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» 130 Mother Language In The Still Active Papua
130 Mother Language In The Still Active Papua
Written By Unknown on Selasa, 23 Juli 2013 | 08.04
- According to the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) in Papua, of
which there are 275 native languages in Papua, only 130 were still
active and the language used by the people in the easternmost provinces
of the traditional Indonesia. While others in a position of danger and even some extinct along with the changing times.Researchers
from SIL Papua, Jecklin told reporters in Jayapura on Tuesday (23/7)
explains, some of the factors that led to their mother tongue have even
threatened with extinction because Indonesian is predominantly used by
indigenous people to interact with each other starting at the level cities to remote villages, mixed marriages between one tribe with other tribes, and tribal war that destroyed the language."Resilience language to date, only 130 were still strong language. While the rest is in a position threatened and even extinct. The findings are based on results of a study conducted every 10 years since 1963. Where the research was carried out based on the demographic and resilience language, "he explained.He
said, extinct languages such as language and Tandia Dusnar Wondama
Bay in the district of West Papua, where the native people there are
more likely to use language Wandamen and Malay or Indonesian. Later in the region Namla Tofanma language and language Waropen Saponi in the district."Although
most of these languages are endangered, but as a form of appreciation
SIL Papua still include these languages in its list of 275 native
languages in Papua. Even been included in the dictionary encyclopedia published to the whole world, "he said.Meanwhile,
Assistant Secretary III Papua Waryoto said, with the hard work of SIL
for years has given us the picture, Kazana culture in Papua incredible. "Young-hopefully
with the results of the SIL will provide input to us to provide an
overview of the potential future that we must maintain and dug and
maintained so as to be able to make a hallmark of Papua province
itself," said Waryoto.According to him, that is not less important to keep in mind is our unifying language is Indonesian. Because Indonesian is the language of instruction in the Papua and schools. Because if we look around the provinces in Indonesia, Indonesian familiar."If we compare with other provinces, in Papua is the best. This we can not avoid. We must admit, Indonesian best application. For example when we go to the mountains for sure there are people who can speak Indonesian. If we compare with other regions outside Papua, Sumatera and Sulawesi as there are certain areas that can not use Indonesian. This is our pride, and this is a potential kazanah Papuan culture that should be preserved and maintained, "he said. (Jubi / Alex)
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