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OPM: We Need Freedom

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 28 Juli 2013 | 18.16

When some time ago TPN-OPM through Lambert Pekikir expressly stated not to accept the offer, and the Governor choose to resolve the Papua issue through a referendum, now West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB), Free Papua Movement (OPM) under the leadership of Gen. Goliath Tabuni respond Luke Enembe Governor's statement earlier stating 'We Do not Need Freedom'.Through TPNPB-OPM official release signed by Chief of General Staff, Teryanus Satto (NRP. 7312.00.00.003) TPNPB-OPM regrets that statement, because it felt as if the Papuan People's demeaning struggle for the Right to Political Self-Determination (Self Determination)."Papua is inhabited by millions of people, every person has the right, including us, and we need an independent, it's right that we strive, together with others who are also fighting for their rights," he said.
Expressed also by OPM that indeed the promised prosperity since decades ago was never realized, "How well do again, from the first Indonesia has to offer and try to do it, but the people of Papua have never prosper to this day, continue going up again when we living in the promises and wishful thinking from Indonesia, so many have died and suffered, since our ancestors Indonesia has promised it, but there was never any welfare, it is a fact, we can only prosper if the sovereign, "according to excerpts TPNPB -OPM.Another point of release TPNPB-OPM is explained that, last governor of East Timor when it (Abillio Soarez) also had to do the same thing, but ultimately ended up in custody Soarez life as arrested and imprisoned.Final section, TPNPB-OPM stated that in due course, we know that we will be an independent and sovereign over our land, Papua, "So we made this statement to be a concern for all people, for our brothers, continue to struggle , do not be provoked by propaganda ".
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