
Senin, 22 Juli 2013

Franciscans International and Human Rights group condemns the use of violence and impunity in Papua

Groups of human rights (Human Rights) Indonesian and has questioned the commitment of the central government to seek a peaceful resolution of the decades-old conflict in Papua, following the discussion of the issue at the United Nations.In a joint statement issued recently, the groups noted that the review of the Human Rights Committee on July 10 to 11 on Indonesia's obligation to comply with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights relating to the ongoing violence in Papua and the current excessive use of force security forces."Because there is no effective mechanism in dealing with members of the military, the committee saw violations continue to occur. For the Indonesian government needs to take steps to develop an effective procedure, "said the statement, issued by Franciscans International, Human Rights and Peace for Papua, Impartial, the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (KontraS) and Prisoner."The group was referring to the high number of extrajudicial killings that occurred in Papua over the last two years and deplored the use of violence to disperse peaceful protests in Papua.""A discussion of Papua at the UN Human Rights Committee suggests that the ongoing human rights violations in Papua continues to be a major concern for the international community," said Poengky Indarti of Impartial.The group also criticized what they call false claims about the openness of the Indonesian delegation military tribunals for those involved in human rights abuses.Indonesian delegation, said the group, told the committee that the local media in Papua is free to publish news, but "cases of intimidation, threats and violence against local journalists in Papua continues.""In recent years, the international community had witnessed the extrajudicial killings of journalists and Ardiansyah Matrais Ambarita Flood attacks on journalists," the statement said.Concerns were raised by the delegation that the secessionist aspirations of the Papuan people to continue due to a variety of felony charges. Budi Tjahjono of Franciscans International said everything was due to "bad security approach in Papua."The UN Human Rights Committee is expected to publish conclusions on observations and recommendations later this month.Source: The Jakarta Globe

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