
Senin, 02 Desember 2013

AMP urged Homeland liberate West Papua

SURABAYA ( WIN ) : Approximately 300 demonstrators joined in Papua Student Alliance ( AMP ) , packed the front page of the State House Grahadi Surabaya on Monday ( 12.02.13 ) . In the action held it , the demonstrators demanded the Republic of Indonesia ( Republic of Indonesia ) , in order to provide the freedom and right to self-determination as a democratic solution for the people of West Papua .Mesak Pekei , AMP spokesman said committee Surabaya , that is to 52 Papuan declaration has been passed on 1 December 2013 yesterday , in the city of Port Numbay , Jayapura . On that occasion, the people of Papua is begging to admit back in the people of Papua , with self-determination ." Based on the declaration of the State of West Papua since December 1, 1961 , we had independence , and freedom was then taken back by the Homeland , therefore we want to reclaim our independence to the Homeland , " said Mesak Pekei in the middle of the action on the road AMP Governor Suryo Surabaya on Monday ( 12.02.13 ) .Mesak Pekei State confirms Indonesia has managed to thwart the establishment of the State of Papua and forcing Papuans to join the Homeland. It is said , the struggle to realize the establishment of a state of Papua will never subside .Various change of regime in Indonesia , ranging from the militaristic Suharto regime until the SBY-Boediono regime is not able to absorb shocks Papuan people's resistance . " We will continue to struggle from generation to generation until the end , because we want to determine our own destiny , " said committee spokesman AMP Surabaya .Described , various problems faced by the people of Papua is not an issue kesejahterahan and social inequalities and problems of economic inequality , but about the identity of the Papuan people as a nation can not be solved by a variety of Homeland policy in Papua ." This has been our biggest problem , so we demand SBY-Boediono regime to immediately provide the freedom and the right to determine our own destiny as a democratic solution for us as the people of West Papua , " he said .

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