Yorys: Papuan People's Trust in Critical State, Holds Dialogue - DOGIMAUW,NEWS
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Yorys: Papuan People's Trust in Critical State, Holds Dialogue

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013 | 00.29

Members of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), Committee 1 of the Golkar Party, Yorys Raweyai judge, Papuan people's trust to the state at this time began there, even critical. It is the accumulation since May 1, 1963. This accumulation memuncuk with the resistance movements Papuan people everywhere.
"The resistance movements in an era when so-called democratic right of freedom of expression. Was an invitation difference. Nah it happens that the government should be able to change the paradigm in a problem-solving approach in Papua," he said at the press conference in the office of the Alliance of Democracy for Papua (ALDP) in Jayapura last week.
Yorys explains, "Make no mistake, the movement is now being built by the brothers of the West Papua National Committee (KN {B) reflects a new generation of Papua movement. And it is now fairly widespread sympathy in the international world. They talk about rights human rights and the rights of living people.'s got a pretty positive response, including the MSG forum. "
Because, he explained, during the course of Papua Special Autonomy of Papua issue was never resolved. There are no human rights court. "If you do not want to pull back," he said.
Actually, he said, the Papua issue politics. Than economics or social issues. So the government should have a new paradigm to resolve Papua.
Papua finish he is not able to enforce the new regulation products from other regions. "We forced another daeral Act was wrong once," said Yorys.
But, he said, which is important for the government's willingness ready for dialogue. "Do not think about the first Papua. Important thing the government says we are ready for Jakarta-Papua dialogue,"
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