[ PAPOS ] - tribal agency Amugme ( LEMASA ) threatens to close mining
activities of PT Freeport Indonesia on the ground Amungsa Kamoro earth ,
when the customary communities which were not involved in the
renegotiation of the Contract of Work ( CoW ) third ."
We indigenous people Amugme and Kamoro feel very disadvantaged and
excluded , so that today the Freeport mining customary rights owners ,
we want to express attitudes based on the mind and conscience when it is
not involved in the contract work of all three , " he asserted Michael
Beanal , S.Sos of Tim diplomacy and Renegotiation LEMASA told reporters in Abepura , Saturday ( 7/12 ) .
Michael Beanal states , the threat of closing the mining activity is not only a mere bluff . He
made sure , when the customary communities were not consulted or
included in the three editions of the works contract talks , then the
activity will be closed pertambagan PTFI adat.Beanal admit the entire
community since it raksana mining companies operating in the earth's
soil Amungsa Kamoro , the immediate impact has not brought adequate
welfare , but their lives ( and Kamoro Amugme rate ) is still far from expectations and reality .
preparation for the renegotiation of the signing of the Contract of
Work III in Jakarta, which will discuss the main points of which 6 "
wide region , the extension of the contract , the State revenues
including royalties , refining or processing and obligations Smelter ,
divestment obligation , the obligation to use the goods and services of
mining in the country " . Michael which
is also a graduate of the Faculty of Political Science and
International Christian University of Indonesia ( UKI ), Jakarta , admit
it did not turn a blind eye to what is already made Freeport the
local community , but what made it smaller still not commensurate with
the money generated after scratching trillions of natural resources there .
to the mining activities of PT Freeport McMoRan in Papua which started
since 1967 until this moment that has lasted for 46 years, has brought a
fundamental change for the people of Papua , especially ulayat.Selama
owner 's rights , business and economic activities in the Freeport
Tembagapura - Papua , has
scored a huge financial advantage for foreign companies , but has not
specifically provide optimum benefits for the customary communities
around the mining area .
Said Michael from the standpoint LEMASA contract of work (COW ) is really very unfortunate because full of guile . For the first year since 1967 to KK CoW II 1991 ( PT Freeport Indonesia ) with 30-year production period will end in 2021. As well as the possible extension of 2x10 years ( to 2041 ) .
said it is unfortunate because the involvement of indigenous peoples
had never been invited to discuss the first stock or contract work ,
both the second and third . Therefore,
the KK rengeosiasi III which was originally planned to be implemented
in mid- February 14, 2014 , owners of customary rights shall be involved
. " Like it or not , like it or not we as owners of customary rights to
be involved in the renegotiation of the Contract of Work III which will
be held on February 14 , 2014. If not , we are ready to stop the activity of the indigenous peoples of Freeport , " he said again .
said he hoped the government renegotiate KK III Papua , Papuan
Parliament , MRP and indigenous peoples to participate in mambahas
contract work to be performed February of depan.Michael Beanal
acknowledge loss and injustice since the first KK signed by the
Indonesian government on 7 April 1967 Suharto was flawed law , because when the contract work performed . Irian Jaya ( Papua ) have not been part of the Homeland.
addition before the first work contract expires on December 26, 1991 ,
the second phase has been carried KK , even this be implemented without
involving or indigenous knowledge and Kamoro Amugme in decision-making
and ownership saham.Intinya Michael customary owners should be
encouraged in preparation renegotiation KK III . Because back when indigenous peoples are ignored , to be sure they are ready to provide resistance against Freeport .
team passing through diplomacy and renegotiation team issued a
statement five , our first indigenous Amungme and Kamoro as customary
rights owners PTFI mine wanted to get involved in the work of the
contract - III ( COW III ) with the government of Indonesia and FCX .
we Amungme and Kamoro indigenous peoples ' customary rights as the
owner of the mining PTFI want to be involved in decision-making and
ownership PTFI . Third
PTFI must make policies to integrate with local companies as partners
in supplying basic needs and limit the supply companies such as First
Pangansari with the aim to move people both economic sectors and SMEs .
PTFI must make development policy to immediately build a new smelter in
the province of Papua to open a new industry that will absorb more
labor and increasing the income of the community as a smelter that has
been built in Gresik , Jawa Timur.Terakhir PTFI must be responsible for
the growth of the regional economy of Papua , as consequences
of its presence in addition to exploiting natural resources but it is
also moving the acceleration of economic growth in the region through
other economic sectors .
all the aspirations of indigenous peoples Amungme and Kamoro if not
addressed in the contract of work involvement in the Third hence the
name of the ancestors and the ancestors Amungme and Kamoro and Papua, "
we declare the closure of PT Freeport Indonesia's stance on the ground
Amungsa Kamoro earth , " said George Beanal . [ jen
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» tribal agency Amugme ( LEMASA ) threatens to close mining activities of PT Freeport Indonesia on the ground Amungsa Kamoro earth
tribal agency Amugme ( LEMASA ) threatens to close mining activities of PT Freeport Indonesia on the ground Amungsa Kamoro earth
Written By Unknown on Senin, 09 Desember 2013 | 08.29
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